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A silly name is not the only thing we are remembered by.
A Horse Named Moo is focused around some of the highest quality genetics available in the Simbrah breed. Stemming from strong bloodlines, these elite genetics are hard to come by!

Our cattle crosses with top club calf producers from around the nation such as Smith Genetics, La Muneca, and Hagan Cattle Company. We have established a foundation with these proven genetics on both sides of the breeding equation; with a strong emphasis on lines of females that have generations of predictability, profitability, and potential. We have selected a number of Smith Satisfies daughters for our herd; this sire has produced winners in all areas—show ring, performance tests and in the pasture. He continues to be a high ranking EPD sire and his daughters are adding to his values daily.

We have been equally diligent about our sire lines and have chosen individuals with strong, performance oriented resumes. As an example, one of our newest AI sires SMITH SECRET TO SUCCESS – A Smith McCrary Fireball son, gives us the genetics of the Smith Priceless Cow Family, which is one of the most, if not the most proven cow in the breed and one of the highest valued. We are looking forward to seeing how this sire impacts the breed and show circuit in the coming years.

As we continue to grow, the main goal of our operation is to create a world class cow herd while building a foundation for the development of future agriculture, business, and family leaders. We started this operation in hopes to teach life lessons to our children that they could use to continue teaching their own children and other families alike. We constantly strive to improve the genetic makeup of our herd surrounded by those qualities in which are important to us, while helping to develop young leaders.

A Horse Named Moo attends Synergy sale continuing to invest in the next generation of champions.